Guru Purnima Quotes In Hindi
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Guru purnima 2019 quotes and wishes: गुरु पूर्णिमा.
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Guru brahma gurur vishnu, guru devo maheshwaraha, guru saakshat para brahma, tasmai sree gurave namaha, walked through with the guidance of you, succeeded my life with the teachings of you, happy guru purnima! being loyal to those who lifted you up in your life, saluting for the help they rendered. 03. 04. 2020 guru purnima ke din karte hain aabhar salaam ae. best wishes to you on this guru purnima. copy. quotes in hindi for guru. 3 apr 2020 guru purnima ke din karte hain aabhar salaam ae. best wishes to you on this guru purnima. copy. quotes in hindi for guru. 16 jul 2019 i bow down at the feet of all my gurus (teachers) on this auspicious occasion of guru purnima to express my gratitude for always being there with .
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गुरु पूर्णिमा (guru purnima) का दिन हिंदू धर्म में बेहद खास माना जाता है. इस दिन गुरुओं की पूजा की जाती है. मान्यता है कि इस दिन आदिगुरु, महाभारत के रचयिता और चार. 16. 07. 2019 guru purnima 2019 photos status whatsapp wishes and hindi english messages: गुरु पूर्णिमा गुरु को प्रणाम करने का अवसर है .
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